
Showing posts from October, 2024


Let me tell you something real- boundaries are not just about keeping people at arm's length, they’re about teaching people how to treat you.  For so long, I used to think that being nice meant saying “ yes ” to everything and everyone, even when I was burning out. I didn’t realize that every time I avoided setting a boundary, I was giving others the green light to overstep, even unintentionally. When we don’t set boundaries, we’re essentially saying, “It’s okay to take more than I can give.” But here’s the truth: boundaries are an act of self-respect. They’re like a gentle hint that tells the world, “ Hey, I matter too. ” The beauty is, when you set clear, healthy boundaries, people start treating you accordingly. You train them to see your value. This isn’t about being rude or distant; it’s about being honest about your needs. Whether it’s in relationships, work, or even with family, you have the right to protect your energy, time, and peace of mind. Trust me, the ones who care