Let me tell you something real- boundaries are not just about keeping people at arm's length, they’re about teaching people how to treat you. 

For so long, I used to think that being nice meant saying “yes” to everything and everyone, even when I was burning out. I didn’t realize that every time I avoided setting a boundary, I was giving others the green light to overstep, even unintentionally.

When we don’t set boundaries, we’re essentially saying, “It’s okay to take more than I can give.” But here’s the truth: boundaries are an act of self-respect. They’re like a gentle hint that tells the world, “Hey, I matter too.” The beauty is, when you set clear, healthy boundaries, people start treating you accordingly. You train them to see your value.

This isn’t about being rude or distant; it’s about being honest about your needs. Whether it’s in relationships, work, or even with family, you have the right to protect your energy, time, and peace of mind. Trust me, the ones who care about you will understand. And those who don’t? Well, maybe they were never meant to be in your circle.

So, teach them how to treat you by showing them where your limits lie. You’ll thank yourself later. 😊

What’s one boundary you’ve struggled to set? Let’s chat in the comments!


  1. Hi Abigail, What a great article. I have always been so soft and too nice to people such that they overstep and took the good for granted. The day I started to reciprocate and set boundaries is the day I lost a few.
    With self love,you will realize how important boundaries are.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words! I completely relate to your experience. It can be really tough when people take advantage of kindness, but setting boundaries is such a powerful act of self-care. It’s true, sometimes we lose a few along the way, but the ones who respect those boundaries are the ones worth keeping. Self-love teaches us that our peace and well-being matter just as much. Keep prioritizing yourself, you’re on the right path! 🥰

    2. Hi girl,
      What a beautiful article that can teach one so much in a few words.with that being said Settings boundaries has made me lose a lot of people in my life and that’s ok. I started loving and appreciating loving self more without doubt and focusing on what makes me happy.
      Some partners and friends are selfish so once you realise that the world we leave in . then you are good.

    3. Thank you for sharing Girl! I completely agree, setting boundaries can sometimes lead to losing people, but that's okay because it clears space for the right ones. Prioritizing self-love and focusing on your happiness is key. You’re right; some people are selfish, and once you realize that, you can protect your peace and build healthier relationships. Keep doing what’s best for you!


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