So today let's talk about Money.

There are so many myths surrounding money that are not only held by the older generation but among the young generation too.

Money is one of the biggest things everyone worries about everyday even more than they worry about their health, families or businesses..Most people consider having “so much money” as being rich which is equal to being a billionaire hence, use different ways/ routes to get that money.

Since 2019, Coronavirus put the whole world in a situation where everything that was moving pretty fast started slowing down..Did you see that?
...Jobs were lost, schools closed indefinitely, businesses were put on hold and the list is endless. It is not a secret that during this period, money became scarce to an extent where people would fearfully ask themselves the “What if questions”.

There are a lot of misconceptions about money.
Well, here are some of the misconceptions about money and what I think about them (I stand to be corrected with the information below.)

This is an old proverb that talks about the seeds of what people averse to making money... I still don't believe that money is the route cause of evil but believe that the LOVE and PURSUIT of that money is what is evil.

Be mindful that you can not save 2 masters at once
What do I mean?.... if you get that love for God and take it to money then you are making money your idol and therefore committing a sin.
Mathew 6:24 (NIV)
“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.”
The decision is yours MONEY or GOD.😊

“The more money I have, the more happiness I will have,” that is how some people have it going. But does money really bring happiness?
In my opinion (I stand to be corrected), I feel this sentiment is rather dangerous in the sense that it equates the idea that having so much money automatically means being happy. No one decides on who gets to have depression based on one's wealth status.. No matter how much money an individual may have, if they are not happy then not even money can change that fact.

...We have heard or read about very successful people who have been depressed and committed suicide because they failed to find their way out. Even when they were rich they too were disappointed and powerless and found their last resort “SUICIDE”.

This is a wrong understanding that misleads so many people out there, who knows maybe I'm among the misled,,I said MAYBE 😊
My cousin says this to us all the time “Don't pursue money but pursue God and plant the rightful seed, then God will bless you with that money that you need, ”.. see the Magic.

Dear friends, I will tell you this, the one and only true blessing on this earth is one that will keep you close to God, and if that money you are earning is taking you away from the fellowship with your God it is a sign that you are pursuing money.
The decision is still up to you, Pursue GOD or MONEY 😊

“Some people” believe that where there is no money there is no love...But well, you should know that Money can not buy love but it can buy things that will increase the probability of love... you get that right?

For those of you that are looking for partners with Money, believe me, it will not strengthen your relationship if that's why you want to be there...Look for someone with a VISION obviously that vision comes from God, if you both follow through that Vision (support each other) it will bring money even when that money finishes, your vision will give you other directions to make money..See the magic? 😊

We all know how this goes..there are people that want to be recognized out there because they have so much money and they use this to suppress others.

Does Money really make you Important/ special?

I read about an American evangelist, Billy Graham who is a prominent Christian figure well known internationally.
This man has held a number of international crusades sponsored by other people “WITH MONEY” but one is thing I have never heard or read about anywhere is who the sponsors of his crusades are/were, until today they remain unknown (to me).

what am I trying to get at?..
There are people with money that help others not because they want to help but because they want to be known that they have helped.
This shouldn't make others feel less important because they don't have as much money as you earn. Money should be a tool to make our lives easier and a tool to get you blessed and not to make you feel more important than others.
Remember it is a kingdom principle for God to bless you through others, Luke 6:38 (NIV) says:
“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
The decision is still up to you 😊

I will end today's topic by saying this..
Have you ever heard of the saying “MONEY CHANGES PEOPLE?” yes you have right?
 ..Money has NEVER and will never change anyone but money will REVIEW the true identity of WHO YOU ARE!


Abigail Chifusa.

(Please feel free to share the link, share your comments too, make them anonymous if that makes you feel comfortable.. what is your take on MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT MONEY?..)

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  1. Replies
    1. I am glad it was eye opening, thank you for reading πŸ™πŸ½

  2. thank you for the insight.
    well the constant pursuit of money (AKA hustle culture) can be very unhealthy and toxic.
    These days people hardly have the time to create meaningful bonds with one another, because we are way to busy chasing money I am guilty of this.
    important questions to ask ourselves about money:
    1. does having a lot money equate to success to me ?
    2. is money a goal or a tool to me ?
    3. how much money is enough ? how much money do i really need ?

    1. This is very true.. Thank you for sharing you thoughts.


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