So today after a very long time of not posting anything here, I decided to share something I’ll call Mechanics of faith.

I don’t know if you know this but there are things in life we are afraid to do sometimes thinking we can’t do it when we actually can. Some of you will not agree with me but you need to know that the point you are at in life is because of your heart.

Why do I say so?


Pardon me, Today’s blog is going the Christian way.. So listen eyy, God put your heart there to decide the course of your life. God created man in his likeness because man is like God, man can do what God can do, he is the creator just like God and that power to create comes from your heart and Just as the heart is pumping blood, your life is being created through it ( I stand to be corrected)

Proverbs 4:23 talks about guarding your heart because it is the wellspring of life.

Coming back to Faith, it is a thing of the heart, and once I was taught that the heart works with materials you feed it with and it creates a course of your life.

Take it this way, your heart is like soil, if you get a seed and put it in the soil, whether you like it or not the seed grows, it’s the same with your heart, the kind of material your heart receives creates a course for you every single day that is why the Bible emphasizes that you “guard your heart above all else.”

Mark 11:22-24 talks about having no doubt in your heart (read more when you can).

The brain is another important aspect in the Mechanics of Faith. It is important too because it works with the heart and if the heart stops pumping then your life ends too.

What I’m trying to get at is that your mind takes in and believes as truth what you feed your heart and the mind will take that seed and create a course of your life.

The heart and mind work together all the time. This is how it does it, your heart creates something from what it receives and works on it then plants it in your mind and creates what you believe in.

Everyone wants to have a better life and you know that God says you’re supposed to have that great life you’ve always dreamt of but how to get there could be hard/ you just don’t know how to get there.

..The heart is the creator, it works with materials that come through the mind. Sometimes we come across negativity that convinces your mind that that’s how it’s supposed to be, you believe it cause the two ( your heart and mind) have taken that as the truth, that is why it is very important that everyday people speak positively about their lives. 

You can can change how you do things and be deliberate about it, put the right creating materials in your heart

God created the universe out of Faith and that’s why God gave you a heart to create the life you want with the truth that comes from your mind.

I’ve had moments I can call Faith moments, where I pray for something to happen and it happens. We all have moments when we pray for something to happen but the heart still asks questions with doubts whether or not it’ll happen on the other hand we also convince ourselves that it will happen. “Belief and Doubt” the two don’t go well together because when you believe and have doubts at the same time, you won’t know where you stand in what you have prayed for. I will give an example of Peter, when he saw Jesus walk on water, he too had faith in Jesus’ word and walked on water too but because he doubted at some point that he would drown hence, he begun to sink for real, see why I say “doubt and belief” don’t work well together.

With today’s topic “The Mechanics of Faith” When you’re doing something to do with faith, it’s best to do it on your own because not everyone would believe in what you’re believing in to a point where it may create an ineffective situation.

“It’s the truth that you know that will set you free,” we all know this saying. The way you believe matters, you must believe right. Change your life deliberately and not on purpose.

If you have read this blog post, have time to meditate and think about what you believe in because it’s up to you to guard your heart above all things


I’ll end with these words from Philippians 4:8 that talk about everything good in life (read the scripture when you can) here’s a song from me to you 🤗


Abigail Chifusa.

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